Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The Pratt family was always a big part of my life growing up in the Esther community. Jim was one of the early settlers in the community, after he and Beatrice married, they had three sons. Bruce and his wife Ann on the left, George and his wife Phyllis in the middle back, George worked for my Dad in his younger years and taught me how to drive at a very young age. You could always count on George to come and help with anything you needed help with. He was a magician with a pair of pliers and a table knife, able to repair anything. Roy and Roxie on the right, always family friends, Roy and I worked together, played ball together, hunted together and curled together for many years. I do remember some of the all night sessions with our friends making sausage at Roy and Roxies house. Jim and Beatrice seated in the center were the matriarchs of this family, Beatrice often babysat my siblings and I when Mom and Dad were off curling. Beatrice made a sauve called Pratt's Sauve, and I am sure it would cure anything that ailed you. Phyllis and Roy and Roxie still live in the Esther community and are active in the happenings about the community.

1 comment:

  1. My Uncle Keith Nelson and his wife Dorothy had a farm near Esther that I visited when just a small boy in 1972. I remember the names Roy and Roxy Pratt from our visits to Esther before they passed away. I was only 5 then, but their names really stuck in my memory! If you have a chance, please say let them know Ian Nelson's son David says hello and has many fond memories of Esther and the Alberta farmland from those visits.


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