Sunday, 9 April 2017

 While traveling this great province, you will be surprised at some of the histories. On one of the trips my friend Dale and I took to the far reaches of South Eastern Alberta we came across a gentleman cutting grass on his farm driveway so we stopped to chat. The above shack was one of the first buildings on the original homestead. His grandparents came from Minnesota in 1906 to Warner and then traveled by horse and wagon 80 miles southeast to the homestead. Today Norm and Barb Finstead live in that same community called Pendant d'Oreille and with their son and grandchildren, they ranch 35000 acres and raise over 400 head of cattle. The grandchildren travel 45 miles to Foremost to school and back every day. The Sweetgrass hills are very close to the ranch, it is a beautiful part of our province. That is the road less traveled.

1 comment:

  1. Down there you can travel for hours on end and not see a single person. Farms are huge distances apart. If you love solitude it's heaven.


 Back to Blogging! It’s been awhile since I last posted, I’ve been pretty busy. Now seems like a good time to ge back into the groove.  Octo...