Wednesday, 8 March 2017

                                                              "Unique Fence"
As I was driving towards Rocky Mountain House, this unique set up of fence lines caught my eye. A farmer has used antique tractors for fence going east from his yard and threshing machines going north from his yard. After some research, I found out this collection was started some 50 years ago, a few of the tractors were driven to their resting spot under their own power. There is about 1/4 mile long line of tractors amounting to almost 200 units. I am sure I am not the first one to photograph this interesting yard but I thought it was kind of cool and wanted to share it.

1 comment:

 Back to Blogging! It’s been awhile since I last posted, I’ve been pretty busy. Now seems like a good time to ge back into the groove.  Octo...