Saturday, 11 February 2017

Moving in the early years was an adventure, Tom Short arrived in Saskatoon, Sk. from Ontario in 1912, where he met and married his bride. They loaded all of their earthly belongings onto the train and traveled west to Kindersley which was the end of the rail at that time. Tom bought a wagon and a pair of oxen and with the help of a friend they proceeded to the homestead on the NW 1/4 of 14-31-2W4. At that time Esther had not been developed as a town and Loverna was the closest town. The Shorts dammed up a spring which eventually became a swimming hole and water for the cattle. That swimming hole was developed into a larger dam after my Dad (Don Parks) purchased the Short farm and for many years it was known as Parks Dam, it was on the Fish and Wildlife map for many years as it had been stocked with rainbow trout. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice story Ron! Neat to have that named after your dad.


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