Saturday, 19 September 2020

 We took an amazing drive yesterday, travelling west on Highway 16, the Yellowhead, to Jasper, AB, with stops in between for business. Travelling south on the Maligne Lake road, we spotted a black bear grazing along the road. We went into Jasper Park Lodge in search of elk, they were lounging along the Athabasca River.  Back to Jasper for a snack and a beverage, we then proceeded south on Highway 93, the Icefields Parkway. Travelling the Parkway is always an adventure, various waterfalls and elevation changes, once at the Columbia Icefields, we took a break for a few photos. It was very smoky from all the forest fires in the south. We then travelled east along Abraham Lake, with a quick stop for a couple photos at Crescent Falls. We then proceeded homeward via Nordegg, North on the Sunchild Road to Drayton Valley, then home to Calmar. A 14 hour tour but it was all worth it. COVID has curbed a lot of activities for many people, however, if you pack a lunch and some drinks, you can create your own entertainment. The nature of our company and the work we do, allows us to combine work and our photography on the same trips. By travelling the Backroads, you can social distance and still enjoy this beautiful province of Alberta. 

Monday, 7 September 2020


Saturday was a great day for a drive, we travelled to Sundre, then west to the Trunk Road, back to Nordegg and home. Spotted this old steamer SW of Sundre. 

Sunday, 3 May 2020

It’s a great day in Alberta, the first rain of the season to freshen things up, get the grass and trees growing. We are still self isolating, only because we want to stay safe. It looks like the Province is going to open up a few services and golf courses, social distancing being the order of the day. It has been awhile since we have been out on a photo run so I have been recycling some oldies but goodies. Well folks, that’s about it for today, a fresh start blogging again will provoke more thoughts and writings.

 Back to Blogging! It’s been awhile since I last posted, I’ve been pretty busy. Now seems like a good time to ge back into the groove.  Octo...